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#81 by incomehomejob » Wed May 09, 2018 14:58

AlbertTop wrote: Ne bi bilo lose da kada ubacujete verifikacioni kod zatvorite ostale prozore jer se u isto vreme pojavi na svim zadacima koji su vam otvoreni sto moze napraviti problem. Znaci kad vam se pojavi pogasite ostale prozore i normalno izaberite drzavu u padajucem meniju i ubacite broj mobilnog (bez 0 ) i to je to.
Odmah vam stize NOTICe na mobilni sa 6-cifrenim brojem. Ubacite i uzivajte. :D :D :D

Da dodam i poslednji sa prethodne strane da budu zajedno:

AlbertTop wrote: ... da obavestim da mi je stigla verifikacija mobilnog telefona. Vrlo jednostavno, ukucate mobilni i odmah stigne sestocifreni broj koji ukucate u polje. Odmah vas zatim vraca na zadatke.
Last edited by incomehomejob » Wed May 09, 2018 15:00 » edited 1 time in total
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#82 by incomehomejob » Sun Jun 03, 2018 15:25

Figure Eight (F8) objava od 31. maja 2018 - sta raditi, a sta ne raditi tokom taskovanja.

Figure Eight Dos and Don’ts
The below guidelines are to help remind all Figure Eight contributors of some of our most important policies. Please see Figure Eight’s legal documentation for the full list of policies and rules.

Do provide feedback when tasks are broken
The Figure Eight platform relies on feedback and reports of problems by contributors who encounter jobs that have issues. Reporting problems is a great way to help clean up the platform and ensure that tasks are fair for both contributors and Task Authors. The best way to do this is by submitting a ticket in our Support Center.

Don’t use proxy services
The use of proxies or any service that allows you to access websites from an IP address other than your own is strictly prohibited on Figure Eight. Contributors caught using proxy services will be removed from the platform. In order to protect our Task Authors’ (the customers) data, Figure Eight cannot allow contributors to access the platform from an IP address other than their own. Task Authors must be able to properly target their tasks to specific regions, and as such, proxy violators will be removed from Figure Eight.

Don’t create more than one Figure Eight account
Each contributor must only have 1 Figure Eight account. Any contributor found to be using more than one account will have all of their accounts removed from the platform. In order to ensure the security and quality of the Task Authors’ data, you may not use more than one account under any circumstance. Contributors are allowed to connect more than one channel to Figure Eight, so you can have a NeoBux and en Elite account associated with your Figure Eight account.

Don’t use or buy others’ accounts
Remember that every contributor must use their own account. Any attempts to purchase, borrow, or use the account of another contributor will result in all associated accounts being removed from the platform. Figure Eight has a zero-tolerance policy on this activity.

Do always task honestly
All contributors are expected to give their best honest effort in all tasks. Figure Eight does not expect 100% accuracy all the time, which is why Level 1, 2, and 3 have increasingly more demanding accuracy thresholds, but contributors are expected to always task honestly and not take advantage of tasks in any way. Contributors tasking dishonestly are removed from the platform immediately. Contributors who always task honestly and accurately are rewarded with higher levels and the potential for having special jobs targeted to them by Task Authors who recognize their skills and abilities.

Don’t forget to always be professional and polite
Figure Eight understands that sometimes frustrating experiences can be had on the platform, and hard work is being done all the time to improve features, tasks, and overall experiences. If you need to ask for help or report a problem, be sure to abide by the Code of Conduct and always be polite and professional. Inappropriate language may result in a warning or the suspension of your account.

Do verify your account with Mobile Verification
All contributors are required to verify their account with Mobile Verification by providing their own cell phone number to receive and enter a code. This is required to ensure the security of the platform for all contributors and task authors. Any attempts to bypass mobile verification or use a number that does not belong to you will result in your account being removed from the platform.

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Sta raditi, a sta ne raditi tokom taskovanja
Namena svih smernica datih ispod je da se pomogne taskerima da se upoznaju sa nekim najvaznijim pravilaima F8/CF. dodatno pogledajte sve na sajtu F8 sto se nalazi pod 'Legal documntation' kako biste imali precizan uvid u sve principe i pravila.

Prijavite F8 kada je neki task 'broken'
Ovo je podjednako vazno i taskerima i klijentima F8, kako bi svima olaksalo.
Najbolji nacin da se prijavi Broken Job je putem slanja tiketa F8.

Ne koristite proxy
[Ovde mislim da ne treba prevod zasto, ali treba da budete svesni da je to najstroze zabranjeno i lako za detektovati.]

Nemojte pokusavati da otvorite/registrujete vise od jednog F8/CF naloga
Ukoliko se detektuje da neki tasker ima vise od jednog naloga, svi nalozi ce mu biti blokirani.

Nemojte koristiti ili kupiti tudje naloge
F8 nema apsolutno nikakvu toleranciju prema ovakvom ponasanju i svi nalozi koji su u vezi sa takvim nalogom ce biti blokirani.

Uvek radite taskove posteno
Od svih taskera se ocekuje da rade najpostenije sto umeju u svakom tasku. F8 ne ocekuje 100% preciznosti, konstantno u svakom tasku, od taskera, i zato postoje bezdevi/znacke/lvl-i, u rasponu od 1 do 3, gde se 3 dobija za najvisu preciznost. Medjutim, bez obzira na lvl-e, od taskera se ocekuje da rade taskove uvek posteno i da nikada ne iskoriscavaju taskove u ma kom smislu. Taskeri koji rade taskove neposteno ce biti udaljeni (blokirani) sa platforme istog trenutka. Taskeri koji uvek taskuju posteno i precizno ce biti nagradjeni visim lvl-ima i postoji mogucnost da dobijaju specijalne poslove poslatim direktno njima od strane TA, koji prepoznaju njihove veztine i mogucnosti.

Ne zaboravite da uvek budete profesionalni i ljubazni
F8 razume da postoje trenuci kada se taskeri osecaju frustrirano tokom taskovanja. Medjutim, ukoliko pitate za pomoc [posaljete tiket na pr.] ili prijavljujete problem, obavezno se ponasajte u skladu sa F8 Code of Conduct (Pravila Ponasanja) i uvek budite ljubazni i profesionalni prilikom obracanja. Neodgovarajuci/neprikladan recnik moze rezultirati zvanicnom opomenom ili suspenzijom naloga.

Verifikujte vas nalog putem mobilnog telefona
Svi taskeri su obavezni da urade verifikaciju naloga putem mobilnog telefona. Svaki pokusaj da se ovo zaobidje ili da se koristi broj telefona koji ne pripada vama ce rezultirati banovanjem naloga.

Figure Eight Dos and Don’ts - Figure Eight Community
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#83 by incomehomejob » Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:49

Mandi29 wrote: Change to Payoneer Cashouts

20 Jul 2018 11:59 am

Members, we were notified this morning by Payoneer that they are raising the minimum cashout from $10.00 to $20.00. Effective immediately we can only process cashouts to Payoneer if it's $20.00 or above.

This does not effect our other cashout methods and is only for those members who use Payoneer.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Promenjen je minimum za povlacenje novca na Payoneer od strane Payoneer, ne ClixSense, tako dai nije vise $ 10,00 nego iznosi $ 20,00.
Ovo vazi samo za Payoneer, svi ostali minimumi su ostali isti.
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#84 by incomehomejob » Thu Jul 26, 2018 22:31

Quote:Bogus Email
26 Jul 2018 09:38 am
Members, if you receive an email that claims to be from ClixSense asking you to download a widget, please report it as spam and delete it. This is NOT sent from us and could be a phishing scheme to get your login information.

Also, any email that originates from ClixSense will be from an address.

Please use your best judgement when reading your email, if you think it's a bogus email, simply placing your mouse cursor over the link in the email will show where the link points to or asking questions can save you from possible headaches in the future.

Thank you

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Ukoliko dobijete mejl koji je navodno poslat od strane ClixSense, u kom se od vas trazi da download-ujete nesto, kliknite na spam opciju i prijavite ga kao spam i obrisite ga.

Svi mejlovi koji JESU poslati od strane ClixSense imaju oblik kao adresu sa koje se salje.
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#85 by incomehomejob » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:05

pupijevi wrote: Recent suspensions
Dear Figure Eight Community, this weekend there was an error that resulted in many contributors' accounts being suspended. We are currently working on a resolution and hope to have the issue fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Odnosi se na ove masovne deaktivacije naloga. Zvanicno saopstenje F8 je da su svesni da postoji problem koji je doveo do masovnonih deaktivacija i da rade na resavanju istog i da se nadaju da ce sto pre da rese problem.
Zahvaljuju se na strpljenju/razumevanju.
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#86 by incomehomejob » Sun Aug 05, 2018 13:07

pupijevi wrote: ...
Svima kojima je reaktivirano a imaju otvorene tikete bilo bi pozeljno da kliknete na Resolved.

Poslusajte ovaj savet. ;)

(Ovo je u vezi posta iznad ovog.)
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#87 by incomehomejob » Tue Aug 07, 2018 08:22

Ponavlja se problem na nekim nalozima, da se javlja opet isti flag za ID 1282110.

Ovo je poruka od F8 direktno, a razjasnjava dilemu da li otvarati tiket za taj flag, odgovorili su sa "da".

koki1983 wrote: ...-evo odgovor od F8 Support Team-a,ja nisam odmah kliknuo na ''Dispute'',več sam im prijavio problem putem ''I still have problem with this ticket'',kao nastavak prošlog tiketa od prekjučer...

Hi M.......,

Thanks for letting us know that you received a new flag for Job 1282110. We have reported the issue. We suggest that you click on the link to create one ticket for the flag.

Thanks for your help, M......!


The Contributor Success Team
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#88 by incomehomejob » Wed Aug 15, 2018 07:39


1.We are aware that Job 1282110 caused many Contributors’ IDs/accounts to be deactivated. We have fixed the situation and all affected accounts should now be restored! You may need to delete your browser cookies and history and restart your browser if you still see the deactivated error message. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If the flag for Job 1282110 has been removed, you can mark any flag tickets you created as Resolved here: ,i takva potpuno ista još 2 e-maila,i...

2.Hi M......,

Job ID 1282110 was retroactively marked as “problematic” after the flagging criteria was determined to be too strict. When this happens, the flags and test questions associated with the task are essentially thrown out of all overall accuracy calculations and Performance Level badge statistics.These tasks will not figure into your statistics and will also not show up on your Job History page. We do this to prevent broken tasks and unfair flags from having an adverse effect on Contributor accuracies which, in turn, affects Leveling up. Thanks for your understanding!


The Contributor Success Team

btw-sve tikete su mi stavili oni u F8-u na ''Resolved',' te dane kada se to dešavalo,pa me infarkt skoro strefi na svaki njihov mail. :lol: ,no nema veze. ;)

Prevod (skracena verzija):

- znaju da je ID 1282110 izazvao probleme oko deaktivacija naloga i svako ko je bio pogodjen tim bug-om, nalog ce mu biti reaktiviran
- ukoliko dalje vidite 'deactivated', obrisite SVE iz browser-a/pretrazivaca; cookies, history, ... i restartujte pretrazivac (ovo poslednje znaci, zatvorite ga i otvorite ponovo :) )
- ukoliko vam je uklonjen flag sa tog ID, prebacite tikete u 'Resolved' sami (ima to gore na vrhu tiketa kada ga otvorite)
- taj ID je oznacen kao 'problematican'
- taj ID je uklonjen iz GA i nece uticati na GA

Zahvaljuju se na razumevanju.
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#89 by incomehomejob » Sun Sep 02, 2018 21:53

Quote:Monday September 3rd
2 Sep 2018 09:53 pm
Members, Monday September 3rd is a National Holiday (Labor day) here in the USA so we will have limited staff online and you may experience a longer than normal delay in helpdesk responses and limited tasks and surveys.

Thank you

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Danas je veliki drzavni praznik u Americi i moze da se desi da bude manje Anketa, Taskova i da se malo duze ceka na odgovor od support-a.
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#90 by incomehomejob » Tue Sep 11, 2018 01:20

Nole76 wrote: Updates to Step-Challenge Questions 2018-09-10 20:32:57, Kristen Hohenstein
Hello, everyone!
We’ve made some changes to the paid challenge question you are asked to answer during every job. You should expect to see this change reflected sometime later this week, possibly as early as today. Please read on for more details.
*How It Currently Is*
At the end of every Rainforest job, you are currently asked to answer a randomly generated Yes/No question. These questions exist to confirm that you are reading the instructions & are a human (not a robot). The question usually comes in the format of “Add 588 and 161 using a calculator. Is the sum 745?” or “Look at the computer. Are you a human?”
*How It Will Be (Later This Week)*
The current set of challenge questions described above will be removed and replaced with questions related to our testing rules. The format will remain the same — simple Yes/No questions that you can answer in a very short period of time.
The purpose of these challenge questions is still to confirm the criteria mentioned above, but now with the added benefit of reiterating simple, important aspects of our testing rules in order to maintain a high level of results quality for our clients. An example of how these questions will be formatted is “Recall Rule 2 about quotes & placeholders. Should you take capitalization differences into consideration when quotes are used in the instructions?”
It’s important to note that these questions were not phrased to be tricky. They are intended to be simple and straightforward, and you should be able to answer them easily if you have a good grasp of our testing rules. That being said, there is a penalty for getting them wrong just like before: we will reject the work. So make sure you read them carefully and don’t rush to an answer.
We will be adding additional questions to the rotation when we publish updates to our testing rules in upcoming weeks. The questions you’ll see published this week do not include future rule updates.
We hope this is a meaningful step toward a more holistic rule-education process at Rainforest QA. If you have feedback, please let us know what you think on the official forum thread or via the “Get Help” page of your portal profile using the “Other” category. We look forward to hearing from you.
Keep your eyes peeled for other updates from us in this realm, such as improvements to tool tips & the testing interface! Happy Testing ❤️

Bice ovde gomila problema :D

Ne znam ni odakle da pocnem sa skracenom verzijom prevoda, izvinjavam se. :D
Ukoliko vam je potrebno objasnjenje/prevod, molim vas da pitanja postavite u RF temi ovde na forumu. Hvala. :)
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#91 by incomehomejob » Tue Sep 11, 2018 20:22

koki1983 wrote: znam gdje bih ovo postovao,pa ću ovdje,pa nek naša najmod. Incomehomejob ubaci u nove info. ako smatra da treba...naime,kad idete na Sign in u F8 nalog,sada vidjeh ovu poruku u d.donjem kutu...

''Figure Eight has a new password policy. Use the Forgot Password feature to reset your password.''

...što je ovo i zašto :?:

l.p. svima. :)

Prevod (skracena verzija):

[Posle diskusije clanova na nasem forumu :) ] Zakljucak je da ce se od svih traziti da promene pass na CF/F8 nalogu.

(Za pitanja i probleme oko ovoga, diskusija se vodi u temi - Klinika za tehnicke probleme. Pogledajte tamo prvo, mozda imate slican problem za koji je neko od clanova vec dao resenje. :) )
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#92 by incomehomejob » Wed Sep 12, 2018 16:27

Quote:Members, as many of you are probably aware, hurricane Florence is approaching the North Carolina coastline. We are in a direct line with the eye of the hurricane and we have made plans to evacuate. While our safety is #1 priority we are also dedicated to you and ClixSense. We will do our best to be online to support you before, during and after the storm.

Thank you
The ClixSense Team

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Zbog uragana 'Florence' koji ugrozava obale i podrucje Severne Karoline, CS je u stanju evukacije jer su na putu/udaru uragana, ali ce dati sve od sebe da budu online za clanove po pitanju support-a koliko god mogu.
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#93 by incomehomejob » Sat Sep 15, 2018 06:01

Quote:Hurrican Florence - Update
15 Sep 2018 08:52 am
Members, we are being told that all roads leading into and out of our home city are closed and there are nearly 700,000 people without power in the area. With not being able to get back and with no power we have no choice but to delay all check withdrawals. I cannot give a specific time when we will be able to get back or when the power will be restored but we will keep you updated.

Thank you

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Odnosi se na slanje cekova.
Svi putevi u i iz mesta u kom je centrala CS su potopljeni i nisu u mogucnosti da pridju gradu. Takodje je i vecina te oblasti bez struje.
Dok se ne uspostavi komunikacija sa tom oblasti i ne obezbedi struja i normalno funkcionisanje, cekovi ce kasniti.
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#94 by incomehomejob » Tue Sep 25, 2018 06:48

vudario wrote: eto ako je neko blokiran imas novu šansu
Hello testers!
As you (hopefully) know, if you receive a certain number of rejections within a 30 day period, your account will be automatically blocked. This information can be found in our wiki linked below.
Blocking Policy · rainforestapp/tester-chrome-extension Wiki · GitHub
Previously, the limit was 20 rejections within 30 days. However, after further consideration with our science team on what this number should be, Rainforest has changed this limit from 20 rejections to 50 rejections within a 30 day period.
Why are we making this change?
After we released the new rule-based challenge questions, we discovered that many testers were unaware of the tester rules. As a result, a significant amount of testers have been automatically blocked for receiving 20 rejections within 30 days. While we need to address this greater issue of tester-education and training, we also need an immediate solution that will prevent more of our testing crowd from dwindling away as a result of these questions.
In the short term, we will increase the rejection limit to offer you a buffer period to get used to the questions appearing in your jobs and start answering them correctly.
In the long term, we will work on improving tester training and rule-education so you all can deliver better, more consistent results to our customers with more confidence and less anxiety than you currently have.
What now?
Some testers who were blocked for failing step-challenge questions under the 20 rejection limit will be unblocked (depending on the quality of their overall past performance) and given a chance to refresh themselves on our rules. If their account ends up being blocked again for the same reason, the decision will not be reversed.
- Both the rules and the 20-rejection limit have been publicly available for you to read at all times.
- The rules are things that you, as testers, are contractually obliged to read, know, and stay up to date on.
What can you do to help the situation?
You all are already so helpful, as we constantly witness in the forum! However, the best thing you can do is take the “teach a (wo)man to fish” approach. If you see that a fellow tester in the forum has a lot of questions about the rules, or you know your friend is receiving a lot of rejections, encourage them to check out our rules for themselves instead of handing them the answer. This will hopefully empower them to retain and understand the rules themselves as opposed to relying on other people for answers. The rules can be found in our support wiki, which can be accessed via the “Tester Community” tab of your portal profile. You can also find them linked below.
Guide Rules & Tester Role · rainforestapp/tester-chrome-extension Wiki · GitHub
If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please let us know in the forum or via “Get Help” using the category “Other.” Thank you for everything you all do, and happy testing

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Saopstenje je vezano za povecan broj blokiranih naloga u poslednje vreme, a posle uvodjenja novih testnih pitanja.
Prethodna blokada naloga se odnosila na 20 'rejections' u toku 30 dana, kao automatska.
Povecali su taj broj na 50 'rejections' u toku 30 dana i taj period je limitiran, nisu napisali do kada ce to da traje.
Kazu, takodje, da ce da odblokiraju naloge koji su blokirani zbog novog uvodjenja testnih pitanja (ukoliko je ostali deo standardnog testiranja ok).

Za sve detalje, pitanja, savete i pomoc oko pisanja ukoliko vam je potrebno, molim vas pisite u temi RF ovde na forumu.
Hvala. :)
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#95 by incomehomejob » Tue Oct 09, 2018 17:05

dream45 wrote: Opet neke novosti sa RF :shock:

Must Read: Updated Rules + New Educational Articles Coming Tomorrow 2018-10-08 20:39:28, Kristen Hohenstein
Hello, everyone! We wanted to let you know that tomorrow we will be releasing updated testing rules & supporting example documentation, along with 11 new educational articles. These new articles will serve as a supplement to our updated rules, as well as help guide you through the world of QA testing as it relates to Rainforest.
We’ve consulted many people during the course of this update, including many testers, and hope that this thoughtfulness is reflected in the finished product. Additionally, we’ve also created a customer-facing version of the rules that will be shared with all of our customers tomorrow so everyone can be on the same page.
That’s it for now! Tomorrow you should be on the lookout for a new tester contract and a more in-depth announcement that will highlight the changes to our rules, as well as link to any updated documentation. Happy Testing

Izvinjavam se, na zalost ne znam ni odakle da pocnem, te opet stoji molba da pitanja i komentare postavljate u nasoj RF temi.
Hvala. :)
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#96 by incomehomejob » Thu Oct 11, 2018 07:19

pupijevi wrote: ...
No u svakom slucaju preporuka svima da iscitaju jer ima nekih izmena koje bi mogle dosta da znace a drugacije su nego do sada.
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#97 by incomehomejob » Tue Nov 06, 2018 01:12

koki1983 wrote: Na novoj adresi su svi noviji tiketi,a ne možemo više staviti "Resolved" mi sami-samo oni u F8 to mogu po tom novome sistemu,da znate...

Iz taska ili Dasboarda ili Job's history-a u F8 platformi>klik na Help>otvara se Contributore Support center>klik na "My tickets" i tamo su ti oba,a iznad te opcije je "Create new ticket",i tako se sad radi po novome-čak se ni ne zovu tiketi više,več "Request#1234 npr",i tamo piše Title tiketa i Status(Open več danima imam 2 različita),treba vremena i njima očito da shvate gdje je šta u ovome, kompletno novom sistemu.

...nadam se da sam pomogao barem malo...l.p.. :-)
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#98 by incomehomejob » Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:31

koki1983 wrote: ...

Hi there,

Thanks for your message! My name is Colin and I’m the Manager of Contributor Success here at Figure Eight. I’m excited to announce some improvements to our Contributor Support processes. We are growing our team and changing our Support software, both of which will help us respond to your questions and requests more quickly than ever.

As such, we are shutting down this support center today, and you’ll need to respond to this ticket if you are still having trouble with your account. By reopening this ticket, a new ticket will be generated in our new support system, and we will help you right away.

Thanks for your patience and understanding during this transitionary phase, and we appreciate all your hard work on the Figure Eight platform!


Prevod (skracena verzija):

Rade na unapredjenju i Support sistema (u programskom/algoritamskom smislu) i povecanju tima koji radi u support-u za tikete, sa ciljem da brze odgovaraju na nase tikete i da brze resavaju probleme na koje se pozalimo nego sto je to bilo do sada.
Zatvaraju, u tu svrhu, stari centar za tikete i tiketi ce biti prebacivani u taj novi sistem.
Zahvaljuju se na strpljenju i razumevanju tokom implementacije i naglasavaju da cene posvecen rad taskera za Figure Eight!
Last edited by incomehomejob » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:18 » edited 2 times in total
Reason: Typos. As usual. :) And translation clarification.
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#99 by incomehomejob » Thu Dec 13, 2018 15:27

Quote:Members, we have an exciting new affiliate program update for you. For each referral you get from Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway we are increasing the signup commission from $2.00 to $5.00 on first $5.00 earned from your new affiliate from these countries.

We've also re-enabled the affiliate program for China and Vietnam. This means members from these countries can begin promoting again to earn commissions from their downlines.

Thank you

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Uveden je novi dodatak na referalski program. Za svakog novog referala kog dovedete iz ovih zemalja: Finska, Svedska, Danska i Norveska je povecana provizija sa $2 na $5.
(Drugi deo poruke se ne odnosi na nas region.)

Iskreno izvinjenje sto tek sada postujem ovo, uspela sam nekako da omasim, bila sam ubedjena da sam vam postovala ovo cim je objavljeno. :(
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#100 by incomehomejob » Fri Dec 14, 2018 16:43

Idjosko wrote: Obavestenje sa Twittera od Figure Eight-a

"Scheduled (Dec 22, 2018, 10:00 PST): We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for 4 hours. The platform will not be available during this time. Thank you for your patience."

Prevod (skracena verzija):

Figure Eight ce obavljati 'maintenance' (odrzavanje, update, proveru, ... sistema/platforme), dana 22. decembar 2018., sa pocetkom u 7h uvece (19h) po nasem vremenu i u trajanju od 4 sata.
U tom periodu nece biti dostupan Figure Eight. Zahvaljuju se na razumevanju.

Prevod je vezan za PST vreme 10 pre podne. Ukoliko je u pitanju 10 PM (posle podne), onda to kod nas bude 7h ujutro u subotu. Izvinjavam se, nemam dodatnu informaciju, koje doba dana je u pitanju u njihovom saopstenju.)


Precrtala nevalidnu pretpostavku, ali sam ostavila za slucaj da neko ponovo cita, da mozete da vidite sve, da ne bude zabune. :xsmile:

buchevski wrote: Platform Maintenance
Scheduled for Dec 22, 10:00 - 14:00 PST
Last edited by incomehomejob » Sat Dec 15, 2018 09:14 » edited 1 time in total
Reason: Clarified info.
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