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Posts by jeff120

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #367

Tue May 15, 2012 10:32 in Romanian


CS daca nu ma insel precizeaza in TOS ca datele personale introduse nu sunt folosite decat in acdrul site-ului si nu sunt furnizate la terti

Si tocmai de aia nu am facut survey-ul. Am inceput sa-l completez, si hop m-am gandit mai bine si "No Thanks".
Chiar jasm78 spunea ca nu furnizeaza alte detalii decat ce se poate obtine de pe ip, adica tara. CF neavand alte date pentru filtering, au bagat un survey. Eu personal nu l-am facut.

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #363

Tue May 15, 2012 09:06 in Romanian

71 din 81 si la mine la Daily Deals. Sa vedem :lol:

sinedea wrote: La " Categorize Online Daily Deals " am 71 din ajuns la limita ca nu mai reusesc sa intru pe ele? sapt trecuta! inainte le prindeam si pe 0! azi cand am dat click pe ele mi-a aparut un survey de la CF ...l-a mai primit careva?....l-am completat dar pe gratis!

Eu nu am facut survey-ul pentru ca e un filter. Pot paria ! Daca pui male/female varsta sau ce mai cer, iti filtreaza task-urile. Daca nu pentru asta, pentru ce altceva ? :D

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #355

Mon May 14, 2012 22:54 in Romanian

shpritz wrote: @jeff, inseamna ca esti norocos... e bine ca mai poti face... Acum am numarat cate am sunt 474... poate de aceea nu mai am voie...

65 din 73 "and still counting " :lol:

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #351

Mon May 14, 2012 22:23 in Romanian

shpritz wrote: Cand o sa ajungi undeva pe la vreo 300 - 350 o sa intelegi despre ce vorbesc :)
Limita exista, am fost informat si pe forumul lor, nu am scos-o de la mine.
Spune'mi la acuratete, la Categorize cate intrebari ai? Acolo cand iti ajung alea undeva pe la 60... sa'l pupi de la revedere!

Daca am inteles, la Categorize Online Daily Deals (sper ca la asta te refereai) am asa : 89% ... 64 din 72.

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #349

Mon May 14, 2012 22:13 in Romanian

shpritz wrote: Mda... cum naiba sa ajung in top10 daca astia baga o limita de tot rasul la taskuri... Inca unul la care nu mai pot lucra din cauza limitei: Find the Company Description Pages for Companies (Intl) (Google Chrome / Firefox Translation Extension Required).
Si aveam un elan... mi-am facut si o cafea ca sa bag in seara asta vreo 100 de bucati... Acum o sa stau cu ochii in tavan...

Nu prea imi dau seama de ce limita vorbesti. Te-am urmarit discutand si despre Categorize online daily deals cum ca ar fi o limita de ceva zeci de task-uri.

La asta cu Company description nu pot verifica fiindca nu am facut multe, si probabil ai dreptate, insa la Categorize online daily deals tot timpul cand sunt si 7-8 "valabile" insist si intru, si am sute facute...

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #24

Thu May 10, 2012 10:07 in General Talk

Take five- Dave Brubeck

Who likes jazz here ? I am also a country fan and GTA:SA made my intro into classic rap music (not all the 50 CENTs junks...)

What did you have for dinner today? » Post #34

Tue May 08, 2012 10:32 in General Talk

Today I'm getting some strawberries :)

--Castiguri la Clixgrid-- » Post #267

Mon May 07, 2012 10:34 in Romanian

shpritz wrote:
zifceac wrote:

Stai foarte bine la capitolul Clixgrid...

My ClixGrid Clicks today 50 total 3,993 earned $1.30

Tu ai peste dublul lui de clickuri si ai jumatate de castig. Inca o dovada ca totul depinde doar de noroc.

What did you have for dinner today? » Post #32

Sun May 06, 2012 03:25 in General Talk

TasMail wrote:
jeff120 wrote: Today I am getting nothing but a glass of water. Hehee, I am dieting !

jeff120, studies show that eating more small meals thru out the day is much more healthy, be careful with just having water and no food! ;)

Actually, my piano teacher was a BEAST FAT woman. I am not proud to say that. But she took a diet : eating the richest meal in calories in the morning, after that some water, fruits, and in the evening a grapefruit or so...

I don't know how healthy is this diet, but now, after a couple of months, she has lost 30-40kg and looks like a normal woman. Maybe a reason is her marriage, also :)).

Right now she is just kinda tall. But I don't think she got a diet for that, too.

Now, what I want to point out: from her diet she made a lifestyle. I don't want to make that diet a lifestyle for me, but it worked for her, like what you said was proved : more small meals are much more healthy (:

How to lose weight and prevent disease » Post #5

Sun May 06, 2012 03:13 in General Talk

valerie wrote:

-Instead of juices that come in a bottle or frozen, buy the whole fruit. Eat an orange at breakfast instead of drinking juice.

-Cut wayyyy back on sugar.

You know, my uncle has cantaloups in his garden (he has everything there, believe me). When I go there and he takes some of those and crush them in the mixer mixed with fresh cold water (directly from the fountain) and honey (from his own bees, he is also a beekeeper), it is the best juice I can ever taste and drink. Without sugar. No frozen fruits. No added flavours. HEALTH !!!

What did you have for dinner today? » Post #26

Sat May 05, 2012 08:21 in General Talk

Today I am getting nothing but a glass of water. Hehee, I am dieting !

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #301

Fri May 04, 2012 05:55 in Romanian

sinedea wrote: "Gather Information from Two Places on a Company Linkedin Profile" este cel mai tampit task pe care l-am intalnit!!!pe pag de linkedin imi arata un nr de adepti, ii trec cu sfintenie in task si primesc o sanctiune pentru raspuns incorect :oops: asa ca bifez frumos raspuns unfair si copii prop din pag de linkedin ca proba........pp ca pana la dezbaterea nemultumirii mele se vor si termina aceste tasks :oops: :evil:

De terminat nu o sa se termine ca toti o sa fim blocati. E problema lor pentru ca nu updateaza raspunsurile. Ca sa verifice, ei pun acolo un raspuns si daca al tau corespunde cu al lor => corect, daca nu, => incorect. Problema e ca de cand au fixat ei raspunsurile poate au mai aparut 1-2-3 followeri si totul se duce de rapa. Si din pacate nu esti singura cu problema asta... Toti care au facut task-ul sigur vor fi blocati in timp...

Who Will Win American Idol? » Post #7

Thu May 03, 2012 23:35 in General Talk

sathishmagleena wrote:
vip451 wrote: Off topic.

dear vip451 ,there is nothing such as "off topic" in general talk section .members and moderators can share anything and everything what they want unless it dose not hurt anyone or being spammed . you'r relatively new into the forum area ,you will get to know in time ;)

You got it wrong. The "Off topic" post was edited by Eddie267, because, as Eddie said, vip451's post was not related in any way to what valerie asked. It is like you start a topic, saying "who likes this ?" and someone just starts asking you "how did you get so many referrals ?" etc, etc (:

Intrebari/Probleme » Post #418

Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:21 in Romanian

Te complici, si stiu de ce. Fiindca Alertpay are o problema cu cardurile Visa si Mastercard... Mi se pare cam imposibil ce incerci tu sa faci. Nu stiu cum e posibil sa faci transfer Paypal-Alertpay.

Iti recomand sa folosesti Paypal in continuare, pentru a evita orice viitoare complicatii. O mai buna clarificare ti-o poate oferi cineva mai priceput. Sper sa nu fie considerat acest post doar unul pentru a se face postari.

PS: De ce ai balanta -1.30$ ? :o

Intrebari/Probleme » Post #407

Sat Apr 28, 2012 03:23 in Romanian

Nu mi se pare ceva moral sa ii spui unui user cu 808 postari ca da raspunsuri doar pentru numarul de postari. Ca a gresit omul, nu-i bai se poate edita. Oricum, asta e parerea mea. O zi buna si tie (:

Intrebari/Probleme » Post #398

Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:24 in Romanian

rlutia66 wrote: Nadiusha, poate gasesti alti moldoveni care sa confirme cea mai buna metoda la voi. In Romania pot sa confirm ca PaypPal merge f bine daca faci ce ti-a spus shpritz

Basarabeni, urgh....

Oferte » Post #18

Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:12 in Romanian

Sigur au o problema de redirectionare (sau poate oferta nu e valabila pentru Romania, si sistemul de country filtering nu e performant, deja vu "FJ", pentru cunoscatori...) ...

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #268

Mon Apr 23, 2012 03:32 in Romanian

Cand am plecat sambata de acasa, stridis se lupta cu sohel, ala din Bangladesh, pentru primul loc.

Cum am fost plecat un week-end de acasa, numai surprize: Barca si-o ia de la Real, CFR-Concordia 2-4, si acum intru pe Clixsense. Ia sa vad rezultatele. Vad steagul Romaniei pe primul loc. BRAVO STRID....what ? Klothor ? Baiatul asta vineri maxim s-a apucat de task-uri. Bravo Klothor si la mai mare. Ai aratat ca se poate intr-un timp EXTREM de scurt, d-apai intr-o saptamana.

Si eu care ma gandeam ca fiindca nu incepusem din prima zi eram cam out din concurs. FELICITARI KLOTHOR !

Taskuri - Probleme si sfaturi » Post #247

Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:56 in Romanian

Iarasi s-au epuizat. Tocmai ce-l intrecusem pe ala din Bangladesh.... Stridis e baza !!! Pe mine nu ma lasa mama prea noaptea la calculator :))

Week of 16th implementation. » Post #1

Thu Apr 19, 2012 07:25 in General Talk

On the last week reminder there was mentioned one of the surprises the admins are talking about for a long time. There wasn't said what this surprise is but there was said that this surprise will be implemented the week of monday 16th. Well, it is thursday. Will there be something interesting this week ? I mean I know : what admins say is said. But wondering...Have a nice day !
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