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Posts by jeckamil

ID-ovi taskova koji ne ulaze u GA » Post #216

Mon Jan 16, 2017 02:24 in Ex-Yugoslavia

980048 Search Results Comparison V2

Novi ID. Nazalost za mene kraj u kvizu ( koji je i najtezi, prava lutrija). Ako to prodjete sve ostalo lako :)

Rainforest Task » Post #4147

Fri Jan 13, 2017 09:02 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Ma bilo je sarkasticno. Nije bilo update i oni su to prijavili. Trebalo je da kazu YES. Bilo nas je cetvoro i cak troje je to prijavilo kao bug. Citala sam nekoliko puta jer mi se desava da brzam ali nije moja greska.

Rainforest Task » Post #4145

Fri Jan 13, 2017 08:39 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Wait for the page to load - it will be an example page.
Do you see any browser updates ready to install or available to install? If there are, click NO otherwise, click YES.

Dobila sam neslaganje. Cak troje njih je reklo da nema sta da se instalira . Moj engleski nije sjajan ali ovo kad vidim bas se zbunim :?

I objasanje u sanduce

Unfortunately, we’re still experiencing issues with mobile VMs not being completely booted when you receive them! If you get a mobile VM (or any VM) that doesn’t have the browser launched, you should manually start the browser and proceed with testing. Each VM should only have access to one browser, so you shouldn’t experience any confusion regarding which browser to use. As you know, you currently have 3 minutes to enter the redirect link in the first step or else your job will be timed out. We are temporarily increasing the time limit to 6 minutes while we’re still experiencing this booting issue with our mobile VMs. I got this request approved last night, so I hope the increased time limit will be enabled by the weekend if it hasn’t been already. Nothing else about our idle policy is changing at this time. We hope this will make dealing with mobile VMs a little less stressful for you, while also ensuring our customers still get their results in a reasonable amount of time. You should no longer be experiencing this issue with non-mobile VMs, but please let us know if you are. I also wanted to remind you all what to do if you click “Restart Job” since some testers aren’t clear on this. If you have to click “Restart Job” during a test, you will receive a fresh VM. You should then start the test from the very beginning, following the instructions for each step, even ones you answered before clicking the “Restart Job” button. If you click “Restart Job” and get a VM that doesn’t have the browser launched, you should manually open the browser yourself. I hope this is helpful!

Kafana » Post #359

Tue Jan 10, 2017 09:24 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Cekajuci malo posla u Novoj Godini :xsmile:

ID-ovi taskova koji ne ulaze u GA » Post #188

Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:25 in Ex-Yugoslavia

980938 Find Url Job_03d - Find Official Firm Websites For Lawyers Or Law Firms (New)

Pitanja i saveti » Post #3664

Wed Jan 04, 2017 14:00 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Povecava se odmah. :xthumbup:

Platni procesori - informacije, pitanja i saveti » Post #86

Wed Jan 04, 2017 08:17 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Members, we are pleased to announce the addition of Payoneer for cashouts. Payoneer allows you to send your ClixSense cashout directly to your bank account or to a Payoneer Card (The Payoneer card is not available to all countries).

Please note the minimum cashout through Payoneer is $20.00, however the minimum you can send from your Payoneer account to your bank account varies by country starting at $25.00. Be sure to check the fee schedule before requesting your bank transfer.

For those of you who already have a Payoneer account you can now "link" your Payoneer account with your ClixSense account. To do this, please go to the Profile and Settings link on your account. Then on the right under Payment Details select Payoneer from the dropdown menu. Then click "Connect your Payoneer account now!" This will take you to the Payoneer login page where you will be asked to login to your Payoneer account. Once you are logged in, it will link your Payoneer account to your ClixSense account. At this point you can request a cashout through Payoneer.

If you do not have a Payoneer account and wish to register. Please go to the Profile and Settings link on your account, select Payoneer from the dropdown menu on the Payment details section and click the Create one link. Payoneer will verify your account details before your account is active. This may take 24 hours or longer.

If you do not have a bank account in your name, then you can still use Payoneer but you must elect to use their Prepaid MasterCard® Card. The card is free to order but there are activation and other fees involved. Please read through this entire page for a list of Payoneer fees:

Payza and Neteller will be removed as a cashout option but if their banking situation changes we will bring them back. We're also still looking into Bitcoin processors so please stay tuned.

Thank you
The ClixSense Team

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #386

Tue Jan 03, 2017 02:00 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Mozda jedino kad krene da radi pa da nam se javi. I da radimo "paralelno". On pise ovde sta radi a mi mu odgovaramo. Mozda je malo glupo ali mu treba pomoc i to malo vise pomoc :xsmile:

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #384

Tue Jan 03, 2017 00:34 in Ex-Yugoslavia

ovo je greska

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #383

Tue Jan 03, 2017 00:33 in Ex-Yugoslavia

incomehomejob slazem se sa ovim sto si napisala. Mora da ubaci knjigu u search polje i da tu klikne da vidi onaj kursor pa da pritisne enter. Naslov knjige ekoji se trazi mora da bude JEDINi na stranici. Ovo sto on lista nije dobro.

Mada ja mislim , posto mu i engleski nije bas jaca "strana" da on ipak pauzira jer ima mnogo rejectiona.Dobijace treninge sigurno. Ove knjige su jos i lake. A todos i druge stvari su "komplikovanije". samvi je to lepo nasao :

A tester will be blocked after receiving 20 rejections within 30 days, or 10 training jobs rejections in a row. Rejections aren't the only thing that can result in a block, however. You can read our Blocking Policy for more information."

U svakom slucaju sto mogu da pomogne tu sam :xsmile:

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #376

Mon Jan 02, 2017 09:53 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Kad te pita za knjigu. Kad uradis screenshot ti oznacis naziv knjige pa onda pritisnes Ctrl+C i pritisnes polje gde treba da se unese knjiga pa onda ctrl+v. I pritisnes enter. I pojavi se naziv knjige.
Ako jeste pod tim rednim brojem koji ti traze pritisnes yes. Ako nije napises u onom pop up sto ti iskoci.: No. It is ranked#23 .

Na prvo te pitanje pitanje da li ima ta knjiga. Drugo pitanje da li je pod tim rednim brojem. Ako jeste Yes, Ako nije No i napises koji redni broj je.

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #374

Mon Jan 02, 2017 09:12 in Ex-Yugoslavia

ti trenizi su isti kod svih,Ajde pokusaj da opises koje si sve imao. Pa da ti objasnimo gde su cake. Vidi taj crveni x znak da li imas. To pitanje nisi dobro uradio.

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #372

Mon Jan 02, 2017 09:05 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Posle 30 dana. Po meni je najbolje da ti sad napravis pauzu. Da malo pogledas te zadatke gde si pogresio i da nas pitas ako ti nesto nije jasno da ti pomognemo. Niko ne zna koliko sme rejectiona da se ima . Bilo je govora da moze 20 ali su ljudi gubili svoje naloge i za manje. Zato sam ti rekla da prestanes da radis.

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #370

Mon Jan 02, 2017 08:42 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Prestani da radis odmah. Imas vec 11 rejection-a. Klikni na rejection i vidi gde si pogresio onako kako ti je Garagos objasnio. Iskljuci ekstenziju.

ID-ovi taskova koji ulaze u GA » Post #246

Mon Jan 02, 2017 06:57 in Ex-Yugoslavia

To ti je ono poslednje pitanje? Davno sam ga uradila pa se ne secam najbolje.Moguce je . Moze ti se desiti da to imas samo jedanput ili dvaput za ceo ID taska

ID-ovi taskova koji ulaze u GA » Post #221

Sat Dec 31, 2016 07:42 in Ex-Yugoslavia

979680 Simple Image Classification: Dress Position

Submit 30+

ID-ovi taskova koji ulaze u GA » Post #219

Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:43 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Pusta jos-do 47 :xthumbup:

Kafana » Post #274

Wed Dec 28, 2016 10:51 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Pa kad ostali nisu raspolozeni za druzenje :xlol:

Inace Clothing ide do 393.

Platni procesori - informacije, pitanja i saveti » Post #83

Wed Dec 28, 2016 07:11 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Ako si je uspesno verifikovao ,koliko ja znam vise nista ne podesavas. Sad samo prebacujes pare. Neka je sa srecom :xthumbup:

ID-ovi taskova koji ulaze u GA » Post #209

Wed Dec 28, 2016 06:17 in Ex-Yugoslavia

koliki je submit za te knjige. Ako slucjno ponovo doddju
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