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Posts by Nole76

Rainforest Task » Post #5249

Tue Jul 25, 2017 15:58 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Evo sad sam dobio 10-ti hit i obezbedio danasnji bonus. Ovo mi je najgori dan u istoriji RF-a.
Nisam bio akivan od 21:30 do 23:30 ali nikad nisam imao ovako los dan.

Rainforest Task » Post #5244

Tue Jul 18, 2017 02:28 in Ex-Yugoslavia

"Invalid state" dobijam kad posle 24213123 restarta konacno uspem da pokrenem hit al' prodje 6 minuta pa ode u abandoned.
Mozda ti je hit vec bio submit-ovan pa nije bilo moguce opet krenuti. Ako ga ima u history-ju onda je to u pitanju.

Rainforest Task » Post #5242

Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:38 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Evo za Windows 7 tutorial :D
Prvo u Start meni upisati cmd.exe
Onda na ikonu koja se pojavi ide desni klik misem i opcija Run As Administrator.
onda se kuca redom
cd\ (pa se lupi enter)
cd program files
cd Windows Defender
MpCmdRun -getfiles

Posle cekirate opciju da se vide skriveni folderi (control panel/folder options/view/ cekirate show hidden files)
Pa na svom RF nalogu idete na browse kod Proof of Malware Scans opcije i odaberete fajl C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Support\

Nekad traje par minuta dok se ne zavrsi upload. Na kraju dobijete ovo

Kafana » Post #2052

Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:50 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Evo torta za naseg dragog kolegu pupijevi :D


ID-ovi taskova koji ulaze u GA » Post #2737

Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:16 in Ex-Yugoslavia

1028420 Help Us Categorize These Cute Animal Pictures

ID-ovi taskova koji ulaze u GA » Post #2706

Tue Jul 04, 2017 05:19 in Ex-Yugoslavia

1027489 Image Similarity Task- Medium Difficulty

ID-ovi taskova koji ulaze u GA » Post #2684

Sat Jul 01, 2017 03:32 in Ex-Yugoslavia

1027045 Clothing Categorisation Task

Rainforest Task » Post #5226

Thu Jun 29, 2017 02:22 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Odgovor na pitanje o uticaju abandoned job-ova na nas nalog:

romanRainforest Staf

How abandoned jobs affects rating is hard to explain. And both above statements are somehow true.

For the majority of testers, the effect is 0. I'd say for 99% of testers.

We have some testers who have a huge number of abandoned jobs, like every second job for example. And in this case, we're decreasing rating slightly. But even this longer explaination is not 100% correct, 'cause we have some edge cases in the formula.

Rainforest Task » Post #5224

Wed Jun 28, 2017 14:06 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Kad si ga razmazila onda snosi posledice :D
Ja nemam vise zivaca ni za samog sebe.

Rainforest Task » Post #5222

Wed Jun 28, 2017 13:58 in Ex-Yugoslavia

We are happy to announce two huge new updates to our tester experience that will be going live in the next couple days! Here's an overview of what you'll see very soon:

1) New Tester Contract:
We had a lot of feedback that the rules at the beginning of every test are too long. After many tests, testers start ignoring them. This means changes to these rules are not being noticed when they appear, and tester work is being rejected.

We want to make sure you all know just what to do for every test, and we will have some changes coming in the future. To make sure you all know what you need to, you will see new changes ONLY once, as part of a new tester contract.

If you see a contract appear at the beginning of the test, this means there is a change to the rules! You are required to read and sign a new tester contract, but only ONCE. Don't worry! You will always be able to access the contract again, if you need to review a rule, but you will only HAVE to read the whole thing one time for each change.

Make sure you pay very close attention any time this contract appears, and you will not risk your work being rejected. When the contract appears, you have 15 minutes to review & sign before the virtual machine loses connection and the job is abandoned.

2) Suggest Improvement' feature:
As you know, some tests ask you to leave a comment in the 'Test Notes' section when you see something wrong. The comments that you and your fellow testers leave are extremely useful, so we've made some major improvements to the feature to make it even better.

You will now be able to leave suggestions for minor improvements at each step of a test, not the whole test.

For example, if you are testing and you think a step could cause any misunderstanding for other testers, you can leave a suggestion. This will help users improve their instructions to get the most reliable results.

You can also alert users to any problems you see on the page beyond what’s asked in the step itself. This feedback gives users extra information about issues they might miss.


There are 4 categories of comments that you can leave with the Suggest Improvement feature:
These are the only 4 acceptable reasons to leave a comment when you use this feature.

-This step can be broken into multiple steps
-These instructions are hard to understand
-The action you want me to do is not fully described
-I see an additional problem that is not asked as part of the question

Every single comment you leave when testing with Rainforest is monitored for politeness and quality! Your comments MUST be:


Most testers’ comments have been excellent and very helpful to users, and the above rules are easy to follow. We are so happy with the quality of your suggestions. BUT if you EVER violate these rules and leave a rude, or inappropriate comment, you will be banned immediately, so make sure to be polite!

In addition, we’re updating the resources available to you on the tester wiki to reflect the new changes. We’ll release an announcement with links to these updated resources when the new tester contract goes live.

As always, thank you for your hard work, and we hope these new features make your testing even better!

The Rainforest Team

ID-ovi taskova koji ne ulaze u GA » Post #727

Tue Jun 27, 2017 03:47 in Ex-Yugoslavia

1025874 Is This Query About Fashion?

Rainforest Task » Post #5218

Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:19 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Danas sam cuo za nekoliko blokada na RF-u. Nadam se da niko od vas nije blokiran.

ID-ovi taskova koji ne ulaze u GA » Post #725

Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:09 in Ex-Yugoslavia

1015046 Fact Extraction
Riknuo 3/5 u kvizu.

ID-ovi taskova koji ne ulaze u GA » Post #724

Tue Jun 20, 2017 07:58 in Ex-Yugoslavia

1023711 Are The Topic And Attributes Relevant To The Query?

RF tema - Pomoc za RF pocetnike » Post #415

Sun Jun 11, 2017 16:55 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Sliku licne karte??? :shock:
Objasni malo bollje molim te. Nikada nisam ostavio sliku licne karte.
Davno sam potpisao sve te NDA ugovore pa ne mogu da se setim bas svega korak po korak.
Znam da kod prvog koraka moras da se registrujes na HelloSign pa tek onda ides na ugovor (ako se dobro secam :oops: )
Posle je lakse za svaki sledeci potpis. Licne karte nema nigde. Evo sad sam usao na moj profil i nema cak ni osnovnih podataka. Prvi put sam usao na HelloSign posle potpisivanja svih onih ugovora.

Kad zatvorim ovaj pop-up onda odem na potpisane dokumente i vidim sve sto sam potpisao. Znaci imaju samo moju mail adresu.

Nemoj da saljes slike licne karte nigde!!! To si nesto pogresno razumeo.

Kafana » Post #1978

Tue Jun 06, 2017 15:46 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Pravila ClixSense-a zabranjuju pominjanje drugih foruma. Tako ti je na svakom forumu. Najbolje je da editujes post i izbrises taj deo.
A sto se tice zadataka radi - Transcribe Information From A Receipt, oni su najlaksi.
Trenutno vidim na listi:
918075 Transcribe Information From A Receipt (King Soopers)
917514 Transcribe Information From A Receipt (Publix)

Rainforest Task » Post #5193

Sat Jun 03, 2017 05:25 in Ex-Yugoslavia

true_hiker wrote:
ovaj i još jedan rejection.
i poslao sam im vezano za ovo, jer idem na to da ova poruka ne dozvoljava da napredujem dalje (a nije tamo neki popup koji se može ignorisati)
Ja se sinoc istripovao da nisi prijavio popup :roll:
Za ovako nesto ne bi trebalo da se dobije ban. Cega sam se sve nagledao u onim job disagreement-ima. Bilo je mnogo gorih stvari.

Rainforest Task » Post #5190

Fri Jun 02, 2017 18:09 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Uzas :(
Da li znas koliko rejection-a si imao pre blokade?
Bilo je 20 za ban ako nisu menjali.
Mada je bilo pravilo da admin moze da te banuje i za jedan jedini rejection ako vidi da si svesno prekrsio pravila. Recimo da si samo lupao YES YES a da nista nisi radio u terminalu.
Pisi im i pozovi se na pravilo da se pop-up od browser-a ne prijavljuje. Ovde se jasno vidi "Internet Explorer" tako da bi to trebalo da prodje kao poruka koja nije vezana za aplikaciju koja se testira.
Ako mozes da udjes na njihov forum otvori temu i pitaj sta nije u redu.

Rainforest Task » Post #5180

Thu Jun 01, 2017 13:13 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Ima posla al' sve krsevi. Par puta sam na svu muku morao da krecem ponovo zato sto zaboravim nesto dok se strana ucita.
A i bez toga treba 5-7 minta za 5 koraka.

Rainforest Task » Post #5177

Wed May 31, 2017 19:40 in Ex-Yugoslavia

Evo nove zaj........ od RF-a

Samo iskoci poruka. Posle minut jos jedna. :roll:
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