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Posts by Sarah_Hill

About warnings » Post #1

Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:35 in General Talk

As this has recently been discussed, I thought I'd keep you updated, in case anyone is interested in knowing how this system works.

There was an issue at the Spanish forum yesterday, and one member mentioned something about warnings. I recalled that a Spanish moderator had once said that it takes 5 warnings to ban a member, but I wasn't completely sure; well, this same moderator confirmed that I was right, so things seem to be still the same in regards to this.

I'm only mentioning it because it was me who talked about moderators' authority in regards to submitting warnings which could lead to a ban; then valerie said she could submit a hundred warnings and the member could still be here, but that doesn't seem how it actually works. I guess it would be pretty useless if it worked like that, some people would spend quite a long time bugging other members... on second thoughts though, it does surprises me how some members have managed to stay around.

As that topic was locked, I've open this one FYI. No controversy intended.

Oberder - Where are you? » Post #13

Wed Jun 22, 2016 04:44 in General Talk

pindokhan123 wrote: thats understandable if they got school or college or perhaps other work,but what about the older generation,one fears the worst when they disappear :cry:

none of us know how old most of us are,i mean if we are young,middle age or retired so then again good reason to add contact no's to account,will show that a site really does care about its members online or offline :thumbup:

I don't know how old oberder is, but I remember him saying something related to old people liking the Classics in regards to music. I once told him you don't need to be old in order to appreciate the Classics! :)

Anyway, life is unpredictable, we'll depart whenever it's our turn, no matter our age. Geez, this got really gloomy, I don't think anything bad has happened to him!

I don't believe it's a good idea to publicly display any phone numbers, and I don't see how Jim would have the time to be concerned about any member who's not active anymore. They don't even ask you to give them a phone number when you sign up. It somehow would feel like privacy trespassing to me, though it's just a personal opinion.

Just in case some of you don't know, there is already a way to contact any member here. You can send a ticket and ask for any member's email address. The problem is that Support needs to ask that member for his consent, and that would be a problem if he's not active anymore.

Tokenads nuevamente no pagan » Post #10

Tue Jun 21, 2016 15:04 in Charla General

Sabrosoyeah wrote:
Ras_al_Ghul wrote:
tcaro111 wrote: es una pena, pero....excepto alguna clase de encuesta, NO solo NO paga, sino que "señala" como reclamado para que no se pague ni te remitan tickets para adjuntar las pruebas. hace justo 2 semanas, como todos los dias les hago las 2-3 rncuestas de 0,67-0,22 $, pero ese dia no se abonaron (es lo unico que suelen abonar), remiti 2 tickets, mas tarde tuvieron alguna averia, pero se arreglo sin remitirme los tickets, el lunes siguiente, les rekiti todas las pruebas, capturas, historial navegador...etc en un e-mail normal, explicando que no habia recibido los tickets, ni abonaron ni respondieron. he vuelto a remitirselo 2 veces mas y ahora me dicen que lo envie en cada ticket (que no mandaron), y de lo "marcado" por ellos y remitido, ni saben ni contestan. tengo mas de 30 suscripciones 2015 SIN COBRAR, y siguen marcados como reclamado, pero peor aun es "MATOMY" y otras, aqui no paga ni el "tato". y el soporte clixsense que es responsable subsidiario, se lava las manos, alegando que se reclame a cada uno. osea que de uno a otro, para marear al personal (si podeis, quitad las apps y no descargueis ni una)

me parece a mi que no tienes ni puta idea de lo que es el responsable subsidiario y menos aun de como funciona esto
a ver si te ponen un "warning" pronto y dejas de molestar con tu pesimismo, tus mentiras y tu negatividad

A quien deberían poner un warning es a ti por grosero y uso de vocabulario desagradable, en primer lugar independientemente que la joven a la cual tu sientes odio tenga o no la razón ella es mujer, no veo la necesidad de discrepar ante una mujer de forma despectiva como lo haces tu, yo he discrepado y discutido con mujeres pero nunca las he llegado a tratar con ese tipo de palabras. Por otro lado si alguien dice que fulano o fulana habla mentira tiene que comprobarlo.

Qué tendrá que ver el ser mujer u hombre. Yo soy mujer y si discuto con un hombre, estamos al mismo nivel, si yo uso palabras fuertes, me expongo a ser tratada igual. Que en este caso ha empezado a usarlas un hombre, pues muy bien, que cada uno responda como le dé la gana, mientras no se falte a las reglas del foro. Y aquí insultos no hay ninguno.

Para tu información (que dado el tiempo que llevas aquí, Sabrosoyeah, me extraña que aún no te hayas percatado), esta persona (tcaro111) lleva demasiado tiempo dejando sus comentarios negativos, quejicas y sobregeneralizados por el foro. Dices que para hablar de mentira hay que comprobarlo, y yo me río, porque la primera que no hace mucho admitió que había mentido en una encuesta fue ella, y encima se quejaba de que no se la habían pagado. Vamos, para mear y no echar gota.

No hace mucho me acusó a mí de mentir porque le dio la gana, eso sí, no se atrevió a nombrarme, pero era obvio que se dirigía a mí. Ahora por fin se digna a responder a un usuario que se ha dirigido a ella, normalmente ni se molesta, tira la piedra y esconde la mano.

También hace mucho tiempo ella misma se delató cuando dijo ganar bastante dinero al mes sólo a base de esas encuestas de cuya escasez o impago tanto se queja...

Ahora resulta que es letrada y trabaja para una de las mayores multinacionales, y dice que vayamos al BOE (con mayúsculas se escribe, no es por nada)... supongo que poniendo "tcaro111 BOE" ya tendremos disponibles sus maravillosos logros universitarios, que por otra parte me importan mucho... de verdad, como dije no hace mucho, lo de esta muchacha es de expediente X. Tanta indignación, como si le fuera la vida en ello, y ahora nos enteramos de que tiene un pedazo de curro que no sé para qué le hacen falta las encuestas. Poca vergüenza no, lo siguiente.

He visto algún caso similar por el foro en inglés y me cuesta creer que a gente así se le siga permitiendo pasearse por aquí, lo único que hacen es dañar la imagen de la página y esparcir mierda. Perdón si alguien se ofende por la palabrota. Qué triste que nos quedemos en las formas y seamos incapaces de ir al meollo de la cuestión. Eso sí, se nota que a algunos no les ha atacado directamente, entonces habría que ver si serían tan tolerantes, educados, crédulos y protectores.


P.D. Por desgracia un warning no es suficiente para que te echen del foro, creo que según Dark dijo alguna vez, 5 warnings podrían conllevar un baneo, pero no sé si lo recuerdo bien, ni si la cosa habrá cambiado.

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1307

Sun Jun 19, 2016 08:53 in General Talk

Quote of the day » Post #2760

Sun Jun 19, 2016 08:48 in General Talk

Depending on who it comes from, an insult can easily turn into a compliment.

- Me

Mods misuse their authority » Post #27

Sun Jun 19, 2016 05:31 in General Talk

valerie wrote:
@Sarah_Hill I will say it one last time, moderators have absolutely NO authority at
ClixSense. None. No, I do not care what you or anyone thinks. Why should I!
I wish you and everyone good luck with earnings and happy life and healthy life
but I sure as heck don't care what you think of me. I didnt take you to raise. I
didnt take the members of ClixSense in this forum to raise. All I have done is
offer to help moderate the forums and offer my support when I can in addition to
doing my best to follow the rules. So if you got a warning from me, it was due to
something you did that was against the forum rules. Really simple as that but
no doubt you are one that obviously took it to heart like it was the end of the
world or something but that is your prerogative.

Well, thank you for taking the time to address me. I didn’t get a warning from you, I got two.

You said I was talking about nothing when I had happened to have talked about my aunt passing away with another member on the forum, so yeah, I took it to the heart, because I happen to be human. I told you about it and as you didn’t care and just ignored me, I rated you with a negative, because the reputation system is there for a purpose, otherwise it wouldn’t exist. Then it was you who took it to the heart and issued me two warnings in a row, because you were so arrogant that you couldn’t even admit you had made a mistake. In fact, your reason to give me a negative was that I gave negatives to mods for no reason, which was quite funny. You were rude as hell. It's curious how you're complaining on this topic being disrespectful or unethical... but I guess things are different when it's you who feel personally attacked in some way, right?

That’s what happened, and I wasn’t even going to talk about it because like you, I don’t give a damn what you think of me. I only mentioned it as an example of mods misusing their authority, because you do have some authority, at least more than any of us here. The end of the world? Oh dear, I’ve been through too many things in my life… this was just an anecdote, I simply happen to have good memory.

I appreciate it that mods take some of their time to do their work on the forums, but you are free to stop whenever you want, no one is forcing you, you’re not getting paid or anything. If you chose to contribute to the forums and interact with other members, you’re expected to be respectful at the least. We all must abide by the rules, we all can screw up from time to time, but we're all adults and are suppossed to be mature enough as to recognize our mistakes. Saying sorry won’t kill you.

We’re here to make money, but some of us, you included, obviously enjoy spending some time exchanging non money related stuff; we don’t know each other and as you say we’re not taking anyone home, but I'm sure we all like being respected and nicely treated when we go let’s say to the bank, a bar or the supermarket, even if you’re not going to invite those people for dinner. Same here on the virtual world, right?

Anyway, thanks for your good wishes, I wish you too the best of luck in your life, both off and online.

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1300

Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:09 in General Talk

My auntie and I used to like this song (I still do), I remember us singing it together on some warm summer afternoons, while listening to it loud on the radio... she seemed so happy at that time. I'm glad I'll always have those memories.
Wherever you are, I love you!

Hoobastank - The Reason

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1299

Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:00 in General Talk

SentinelOnyx wrote:
Sarah_Hill wrote: I've recently started watching this series, which has a pretty good soundtrack. Guess ballet is like a frustrated passion for me.

Flesh and Bone | Opening Titles - Karen O - Obsession

You always had an ear for extraordinary tunes Sarah_Hill. :clap:
Now that you mentioned series tunes this one caught my ear in the last few years.

True Detective - Opening song (HD) (The Handsome Family - Far From Any Road) - YouTube

Thanks a lot Mr., you don't have a bad ear at all either! ;)

I posted that one too some months ago, maybe you missed my post. :P

By the way, you can call me just Sarah, as you know I took the liberty of calling you Sentinel a long while ago! :lol: :)

Mods misuse their authority » Post #10

Sat Jun 18, 2016 07:39 in General Talk

Well, you forgot to mention about warnings, that's another thing moderators can do, and it can lead to banning members.

Actually, you did care a lot once, you got really offended when I rated you with a negative, so you gave me back not only another negative, but two warnings in a row. Or perhaps I'm mistaken and it was just a coincidence and the real reason for those warnings was my asking you why you had locked my topic without asking me to stop doing what I didn't know I was doing wrong. Perhaps.

Anyway, I was just giving my personal view, let bygones be bygones.

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1297

Sat Jun 18, 2016 07:27 in General Talk

I've recently started watching this series, which has a pretty good soundtrack. Guess ballet is like a frustrated passion for me.

Flesh and Bone | Opening Titles - Karen O - Obsession

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1296

Sat Jun 18, 2016 07:24 in General Talk

AaYuSh33 wrote: I'm really in love with this song,

Strange Talk - Cast Away

Strange Talk - Cast Away - YouTube

I love it too, thanks for reminding me of it!! :D :thumbup:

Mods misuse their authority » Post #7

Sat Jun 18, 2016 05:12 in General Talk

I think moderators can sometimes misuse their "authority" when it comes to interacting with other members, in the sense of feeling offended, etc. I personally have experienced that in the past.

Other than that, their authority is limited and as already stated, they're volunteers and they're humans, as we all are.

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1290

Fri Jun 17, 2016 13:44 in General Talk

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1289

Fri Jun 17, 2016 13:43 in General Talk

CatMonster, I'd gladly exchange our early summer heat for some of your rain! :)

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1287

Fri Jun 17, 2016 13:00 in General Talk

AaYuSh33, remember when I posted the worst song/video ever? I found another piece of art which is almost at the same level. :lol: :lol:

Little Wings - Mark Gormley

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1286

Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:57 in General Talk

Marcel666 wrote: I like this one from Green Day:

Green Day: "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" - [Official Video] - YouTube

Yeah, I love that one too, posted it a long time ago. :P :thumbup:

50 deadly shooting from Gay most popular bars » Post #32

Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:47 in General Talk

It seems you are not aware of the new forum rules, which don't allow religious or political arguments, and I feel your comment is in all likelihood going to open one.

Anyway, as I was of the ones commenting on that "pastor" words, I'll tell you something: no one here has blamed Christianity of anything, nor Muslims, because it's people who do evil, not theories or religions. I know what you mean and I don't share that view either of blaming Christianity for everything, that's just stupid; fortunately, the Inquisition times are long past. As for Muslims, not all of them are the same either.

That said, this "pastor" has screwed up real bad. I don't find much difference beteewn commiting murder and rejoicing on it. To me, both things are equally disgusting. End of discussion from this side.

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1281

Fri Jun 17, 2016 07:29 in General Talk

And that song reminded me of this one.

Evanescence - My Immortal

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1280

Fri Jun 17, 2016 07:28 in General Talk

AaYuSh33 wrote:
Sarah_Hill wrote: Following up with Green Day, my little cousin loves this one; he probably inherited my awesome musical taste. :lol: :mrgreen:

Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends

One of my favorite song... :P

Talking about such awesome song, check this one out,

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years [Official Music Video] - YouTube

Yes, it's one of my favs too by Green Day. :)

That is a beautiful song that you've posted, thanks, I already knew it. :thumbup:

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1279

Fri Jun 17, 2016 07:25 in General Talk

AaYuSh33 wrote:
Sarah_Hill wrote:
AaYuSh33 wrote:
Sarah_Hill wrote:
AaYuSh33 wrote: Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to the King

Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King [Official Music Video] - YouTube

Looking at your avatar and the song you've posted, I think your former nickname was KingLo or something like that, wasn't it? If it's you, it is very nice to see you back around mate! :)

And thanks for that song, I didn't know it. :thumbup:

Thank you very much. I'm very happy to see that members around here still remembers me. :)
Yes, you are right friend, it's me K1ngL3o :thumbup:

You're most welcome! Great to hear it's you! I modified my nickname for my new account, and also my avatar (used to be a blonde, not sure if you remember me LOL). :lol: :)

Cheers! :D

Edit: Unnecessary edit, sorry. :lol:

Yes, I remember you Sarah_83, If I'm right!!?? :D
Damn Sure I'm right!! :lol:

Yep haha, you're absolutely right! Glad you remember me too! :D ;)
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