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Posts by Sarah_Hill

La encuesta interminable de opinionworld » Post #5

Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:56 in Charla General

Goblyn wrote: Gracias :thumbup:

No hay de qué! :)

Sí, a mí en principio también me salía esa opción que comentáis, pero ya cuando la reabrí no me aparecía ni el contador porcentual ni la opción de dejar de evaluar; me ha sorprendido que terminara por sí sola y me redirigieran sin problema jeje


La encuesta interminable de opinionworld » Post #2

Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:05 in Charla General


Yo empecé a hacerla hace unas horas, pero por falta de tiempo la dejé a medias y sin querer cerré el navegador... luego como había visto que te daba la opción de dejarla y continuar después, busqué en el historial y me dejó seguir.

Estuve a punto de abandonar, porque también se me hacía interminable y además ya no me salía ni la barra indicadora del porcentaje que llevaba completado... y al igual que tú, me temía que me echaran por algún tipo de error o excusa, pero justo la he terminado hace un ratito, me ha salido la pantalla de felicitación y me la han acreditado sin problemas.

Por si te sirve de algo.

Suerte, saludos!

EU gone mad. Plans to block free speech » Post #48

Thu Jun 02, 2016 09:52 in General Talk

ProAdCo wrote:
What about that " lesbian relationship appearing in a cartoon movie "

You all totally went off on Davidbugs because he posted it. Then you turn around and bashed him.

The problem with you guys. You bring your personal life to work on the internet.

What I post and what Davidbugs posted is in the news

Then you go off on the deep in and start flaming the posters. SMH

You all..., excuse me? I didn't even write on that thread.

As cookin2 has already stated, davidbugs didn't just "post what's in the news". He gave his opinion, and cookin2 gave her opinion about davidbug's. Besides, you both must be well aware that the type of threads you usually post will probably trigger a lot of controversy, and because this is a public forum, you both expose yourselves to other people's views on what you post and how you do it... as long as everyone abides by the rules on their comments.

Anyway, I guess davidbugs has a tongue of his own (or some fingers, in this case), and he hasn't even said if he felt somehow offended, so this discussion is totally pointless.

Have a nice day!

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1228

Thu Jun 02, 2016 06:06 in General Talk

I think I posted this one a long time ago, but I really feel like it:

Audioslave - Be Yourself

EU gone mad. Plans to block free speech » Post #45

Thu Jun 02, 2016 05:37 in General Talk

cookin2 wrote: Sarah, I have nothing to add, you said it well :) Thank you, my friend!

One thing - please edit out sh*t or someone will report you and you could get a warning :(

You're most welcome, dear! :)

Thanks for pointing that out... to be honest though, I wrote the entire word on purpose, as I've seen some minor potentially offensive words used around the forum lately (even by a moderator) and not being edited. I thought this usage is maybe allowed from time to time and depending on the purpose. :mrgreen: ;)

EU gone mad. Plans to block free speech » Post #38

Thu Jun 02, 2016 03:36 in General Talk

ProAdCo wrote:
charez wrote:
Sarah_Hill wrote:
By the way, weren't you the one throwing in other people's faces that they were meddling in other countries' affairs?
End of conversation.

True story. Myself i was wondering what's happened since :o

You guys must drinking heavy load of Dihydrogen Monoxide Sodium Fluoride.

FYI: I Started This Topic

The problem you Penny Bangers are having is to stay on topic, you can't help yourself without
turning it into a personal attack. Must be the Sodium Fluoride in the Dihydrogen Monoxide you consume.

There you go once again. Instead of doing some self-analysis, you go on displaying that arrogant and hypocritical attitude. I made a comment which wasn't even addressed to you and you replied as if I didn't know what I had written, in a disrespectful way, as usually... so who's the one who started a personal attack?

Another example, to help refresh your memory: there's a topic about a potential lesbian relationship appearing in a cartoon movie, where members were respectfully contributing with their opinions, and what did you do? Telling cookin2 that she must be having a temperature. Now you tell me how that contributes to the topic in a positive way. That was the moment when I decided to give you a negative, which I don't usually do unless I've been personally attacked or observed a continuous harassing towards other members (which happen to be polite and respect the rules).

I'm taking the time to give you these explanations because I've seen your complaints on other posts about your reputation being "abused". The reputation system is there for a purpose, and considering how you've been acting for such a long time, it should come as no surprise that you've got some negatives lately (that is, if you were capable of doing a little bit of self-analysis, as I said).

You keep telling members how they should behave, but show no control of your own behaviour. If you want to be respected, learn to respect in the first place. People don't usually like to be looked down at or treated like s*it.
The fact that you're the one starting a topic doesn't mean you're the only one deserving respect.
You hit and when you get hit back you start a show and play the victim.
Don't you know that old saying, what goes around comes around?

The majority is not always right, but when you're arguing with half the world you'd probably do well in wondering if you might be doing something wrong; a little bit of "Ok, I screwed up, I'm sorry" once in a while won't kill you.

I apologize for going off topic this time, but I hope you all understand... and I hope you ProAdCo won't use that as an excuse to stick to your guns, as you too have gone off topic many times to make your points.

I'm moving on now, since once again this is turning sick.
Good luck.

Mi mejor mes 05/2016 » Post #11

Wed Jun 01, 2016 06:30 in Charla General

kwimy wrote:
Sarah_Hill wrote: Enhorabuena kwimy, te lo mereces!! Muchas felicidades y que sigan los éxitos!! :clap: :thumbup:

Muchas gracias Sarah,igualmente,saludos y que tengas buen día ;)

No hay de qué, gracias a ti e igualmente! ;)

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1223

Wed Jun 01, 2016 05:53 in General Talk

A pleasant tune for this sunny & warm afternoon.

The Beloved - Sweet Harmony

Mi mejor mes 05/2016 » Post #7

Wed Jun 01, 2016 05:47 in Charla General

Enhorabuena kwimy, te lo mereces!! Muchas felicidades y que sigan los éxitos!! :clap: :thumbup:

Premium merece la pena? Por lo que veo NO » Post #34

Wed Jun 01, 2016 02:49 in Charla General

MarthaUribe wrote:
cruzabimael wrote: yo me hice premium que creen? cesaron los anuncios mas pequeños en un 70 porciento encuestas no me llegan pasan dias para que lleguen y si llegan todos los link que me manda clixsense llegan caducados solo he podido completar encuestas en peanu labs y cuando era estandar completaba mas seguido el checlisk ahora solo una vez lo e podido completar ademas en premium me llovian las tareas y encuestas ahora ceso todo eso lo unico bueno que pienso que da son los 4 anuncios garantizados de alto costo 0.0100 y los de 0.0050 aa y si tienes referido te da el 10 porciento de lo que gana dependiendo que oferta es

alguno sugiere algo?

Me pasa lo mismo. Desde que me volví Premium, casualmente ya no me llegan encuestas, tareas o algo.
Incluso sacando cuentas ni lo de los anuncios me devolverían lo que pagué por ser premium :( en fin, me siento estafada xD

Tienes 4 anuncios de $0.01 garantizados diariamente, sólo con eso te "devuelven" casi la totalidad de lo que invertiste.
Se ha dicho muchas veces, ser Premium no te garantiza ni más encuestas ni más tareas, las encuestas van por rachas y por perfiles. Vuestros casos deben de haber sido simples coincidencias. Lo único que se me ocurre es que sigáis probando, pinchando en los routers y pendientes de las invitaciones que lleguen. Que mejore la racha.


What will Briton do. Leave or Stay? » Post #34

Wed Jun 01, 2016 02:41 in General Talk

ProAdCo wrote: @ Sarah_Hill

Jj was replying to my comment.

Did you not read my comment about Spain?

Are you not aware what ICELAND done?

Jj stands correct when he used the word " idiot "

If you don't know the story on ICELAND, then you should do some research.

Spain should of followed ICELAND lead. " Dumb "

Even IRELAND signed on to bad debt that was not theirs. " Dumb "

Last I knew, Spain unemployment was at 50%, I've not checked the status lately.

No, I don't know what he was doing.
No, I didn't read your comment about Spain.
No, I don't know about Iceland.
I do care a lot what your opinion is about Jj using the word idiots.
I do care a lot about what you think Spain should have done, or Ireland, or whatever country you want to mention.
I'm not aware of what Spain unemployment rate is, as I don't care what's going on in my own country.

/ironic mode OFF

By the way, weren't you the one throwing in other people's faces that they were meddling in other countries' affairs?
End of conversation.

What will Briton do. Leave or Stay? » Post #28

Tue May 31, 2016 13:41 in General Talk

jjohnson777 wrote: Iceland only country not listen to idiot economist. They did opposit of what they said to do and seem be only ones doing well. Wish rest did it but the idiots wanted to make it un-painful but it would of been if we took it in few bad months instead of slowly recovering over few decades.

Why don't you check your writing before calling others idiots? Because it reminds me of a robot's.
Just saying.

charez wrote:Yes, you're right but it should supposed to be even withtout European Union or could at least. No really need EU to help each other. (not only economically) The thing is at a certain level you can't help anymore

Yes indeed, we help each other in some other important things aside from money, for example when dealing with terrorism. I don't really know to what extent we'd keep doing so if we weren't in the EU though... but I might be wrong, of course.


Premium merece la pena? Por lo que veo NO » Post #31

Tue May 31, 2016 06:09 in Charla General

Gracias kwimy, igualmente! ;)

Premium merece la pena? Por lo que veo NO » Post #29

Tue May 31, 2016 04:49 in Charla General

Así es kwimy, yo tampoco la entiendo, no sé si lo hace ya por pitorrearse o por joder directamente.

Además es que es tan simple como pensar que hay miles de tipos de trabajos, de horarios, de estilos de vida, de familias, de intereses... tan simple como que hoy en día existe algo llamado teletrabajo, es decir, usar un ordenador y una conexión a internet como herramienta para desarrollar tu labor ya sea completa o parcialmente, con lo cuál no estás fuera 7-8 horas al día (por citar lo que ella dijo, pero es obvio que existen jornadas laborales menores y mayores también), y si ya estás usando un ordenador para trabajar, es de lógica que te será más fácil acceder a otros sitios web en tus ratos libres. Por poner un ejemplo.

Pero en fin, hay gente que parece que no puede o no quiere salir de su burbuja.


Premium merece la pena? Por lo que veo NO » Post #27

Tue May 31, 2016 03:22 in Charla General

tcaro111 wrote: perdona, pero si trabajas 7-8 h. diarias, llevas una casa, pareja y algun hijo,los ratos libres de que se puede disponer, los necesitas para descansar y lo poquisimo que pueda quedar algun dia a la semana, y con muchisima suerte, dada la tremenda escasez de encuestas, no daria ni para una encuesta el dia que se entre y asi no hay posibilidad alguna de hacer el checklist diario. para sacar 60-80 $ al mes, hay que entrar todos los 7 dias de la semana, y varias horas cada dia, y el que diga otra es verdad. ignoro la situacion de esa persona, pero la que indicas tu, que sueles cambiar de pais, no creo que solo dispongas de algun rato (30 m.) libre algun dia, ya que he conocido "conocidos" que sacaban eso y algo mas, pero se tiraban noches SIN DORMIR. a la gente hay que decirle la realidadm sino luego se lleva dedilusiones. hay quien esta soltero-a, sin hijos, no sale con amigos, no va al cine......y tiene muchas horas, y hay quien es lo contrario y solo dispone de 1 h, 2-3 dias a la semana (en este munfo hay de todo) y depende de tus conficiones y si vas a permanecer sl menos 1 año, si interesa o no. es una forma de "amarrarte" al menos ese año.

Vaya, acabo de ver tu comentario, y aunque no te has molestado (o no te has atrevido) a citarme, es obvio que te diriges a mí, porque yo contesté a un punto de tu anterior post diciendo que no todos los casos son iguales, y además mencionas lo del "cambio de país", ya que yo he vuelto no hace mucho de UK.

En primer lugar, eso de "ok?" sobra, que yo me he dirigido a ti con educación y respeto en todo momento, y además desde mis inicios en CS, pero ya por aquí no paso; no estás en posesión de la verdad absoluta, ni te voy a dar la razón por cojones, ¿ok?

Segundo, eso de que "suelo cambiar de país" lo dirás tú, me fui a UK y volví al cabo de un tiempo, y hasta ahí llegan las explicaciones que te voy a dar sobre lo que hago o dejo de hacer.

Tercero, hay muchos modelos de horarios de trabajo, muchos modelos de familia y de hogar, muchos estilos de vida, si tú estás corta de miras y no te llega para ver más allá de tus cuadriculadas ideas, no es mi problema, pero como digo, hasta aquí las explicaciones que te voy a dar yo de mi vida.

Eres libre de pensar lo que te de dé la gana, pero a mí no me vas a acusar tú de engañar; hay que tener poca vergüenza, habiendo quedado patente en este foro que siempre te has estado quejando de lo mala que está la cosa, que si apenas salían encuestas, que tienes denunciados a los panelistas de media España y parte del extranjero... todo para que al final tú misma te delataras diciendo que ganabas 50 o 60 dólares al mes sólo con las encuestas. ESO SÍ ES ENGAÑAR A LA GENTE, y además pérfidamente y no sé con qué fin, ¿con el fin de desanimarlos y que te lleguen más encuestas a ti? Porque visto lo visto, ya ni me extrañaría esa forma de pensar.

Yo no gano nada animando a la gente a que invierta en la Premium, y siempre he dicho que cada uno tiene que valorar lo que más le conviene según su situación; pero que son 17 dólares que se amortizan prácticamente en su totalidad sólo con ver los anuncios, pues sólo tienes que coger una calculadora para comprobar que es cierto.

Y que se puede tener esto como algo secundario y que en algunos ratos libres (lo de los "30m. algún día" lo dirás tú), puedes sacar algo al mes, sin ser un zombie en vida, por supuesto que se puede, lo dije y lo reafirmo, y repito, no gano nada diciéndolo. Ya cada cuál que crea lo que quiera.

Es que es de risa vamos, viendo tu historial aquí no sé ni para qué me molesto en contestarte, en vez de reportarte directamente por difamación.


What will Briton do. Leave or Stay? » Post #9

Mon May 30, 2016 11:58 in General Talk

TutFREAK wrote: Good arguments Sarah but here in the UK we see things differently, vast sums of our money is being used to bail out others members and this will only get worse, I for one also want our Sovereignty back with a British passport. In the event of a call to arms Europe is just a dithering giant with too many rules and regulations. As for the people that choose to live in sunnier climes that is their choice and they can vote accordingly. We will be able to set up new trade deals, no problem and I for one think we will prosper outside the European Union!

Thank you. Well, not everyone in the UK see things as you do, starting with your Prime Minister.
Anyway, as I said, democracy is there for a purpose, you will have your referendum and we'll see what the majority thinks.

charez wrote:The open doors of Gibraltar and the immigrants isn't a new problem. It 's an old problem and pretty sure bigger since Europe. And Spain may have interests economically in Europe. (nb:"PIIGS").

But i agree with TutFREAK, too many rules and regulations and as we know we can't make everyone happy. We (european nations),can't help every country, it is not possible. There is an adage saying: look at your house before looking at others

Look at Italy banks they are KO in some months. Will Europe be able to do something ? Nope. And Italy is not like Greece problem

Of course it's not a new problem, but it seems as if Britain was the only country facing migratory issues, that was my point. And just because it's an old problem doesn't mean it's less serious. Spain has an economic interest in Europe, but we make our contributions too, as I'm sure Italy and Greece do, one way or another. Nothing is for free.

Europe can't save every country, I agree each country should try and solve its issues, we can't take in every single human being... but does that mean we have to turn our backs on them and go our own way no matter what happens? That probably reflects the kind of extremely individualistic beings we're becoming, and that's fine to a certain extent; the problem comes when we lose all ability to put ourselves in others' shoes. Because in the future, roles might swap and it could be you asking for help to your old mates.


What will Briton do. Leave or Stay? » Post #6

Mon May 30, 2016 05:50 in General Talk

charez wrote:
jjohnson777 wrote: Never understood why they joined it. Does not sound British giving up that much sovereignty to mainland Europe. If you do leave safe bet Scotland ask for another independence vote and vote to leave which open alot of can worms for other places want form own countries in EU. At least you were smart enough keep your own currency & monetary policy bet Germans wish they did now.
Almost every country wish that i think. The only ones who don't are the last added maybe

I don't think so, at least not Spain, in spite of the fact that we weren't among the first ones to join.

From my point of view, Britain never seems to be happy enough. They kept their own currency and monetary policy with the huge advantage that it carries. If they now decide to leave, they might find themselves having a hard time when it comes to trade, etc. If any other British citizen wants to spend their luxurious retirement in let's say a sunnier and cheaper EU country, they would probably have to face some bureaucratic process which might be as pleasant as a kick in the ass. This is just an example, but I don't really think it'd be the most beneficial thing for them to do in the long term.

Furthermore, do they think they're the only ones in the EU having a serious migratory problem? Look at us, there is a hell of a large influx of illegal African immigrants trying to get into Spain after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in dinghies or even in plastic rafts, every other day... not to mention our copying with a long list of crooked politicians and a massive public debt.

I believe things can and should be deeply and thoroughly discussed to try and come to terms in a way which benefits each of the EU members as equally as possible in the first place, as these are not simple issues to rush into.
If after doing this there is someone who still wishes to depart, well, I guess democracy is not just a word and serves for some purpose. As long as they're willing to face both the good and the bad consequences, let them go.


What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1217

Sat May 28, 2016 13:14 in General Talk

Ver anuncio durante 1 minuto? paga 0.02 » Post #21

Fri May 27, 2016 14:02 in Charla General

Holaa! :)

Ok, muchas gracias por satisfacer mi curiosidad. :P

Espero estés bien, un placer verte por aquí y saludarte! :thumbup:

What music/song are you listening now? » Post #1215

Fri May 27, 2016 00:46 in General Talk

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